Placement in classes is subject to instructor approval.
Listed below are the general guidelines, students will be evaluated
on an individual basis. It is not unusual for a dancer to repeat a level
in order to gain the proper knowledge and confidence necessary to safely move
to the next level.
*Dancers will be assessed during the first 4 weeks to determine proper level placement.
Turn, leap and jump with your little dancers as they are introduced to ballet, music and movement. With each class, we will work on developing the motor skills of your toddler in a safe and positive atmosphere. In each class, we will use music, movement and balance to introduce your little one to ballet. This class will include mom, dad, or another loved one, dancing alongside and actively supporting and encouraging your child through the class. With the curriculum and movement, we will keep the class moving smoothly to ensure you and your child enjoy your time. This class will be for 18-36 month olds and a grown-up.
Princess Ballerinas-PREDANCE
A 30-minute class that meets once a week for 3 and 4 year olds. Class is specifically designed to provide children with a strong foundation in dance and movement as well as self-awareness, creative expression, imagination, teamwork and basics of classroom behavior and manners. Our Predance class is part of our Princess Ballerina curriculum. No prior experience necessary, however dancers must be potty trained before beginning class.
Princess Ballerinas-KINDERDANCE
A 45-minute combination class of tap and ballet for 5 year olds that meets once a week. Students continue to work on concepts learned in Predance, but in greater degrees of complexity as well as mastering basic tap and ballet fundamentals. Our Kinderdance class is part of our Princess Ballerina curriculum. No prior experience required, however dancers should have mastered basic motor skills: marching, skipping, galloping (chasse), etc.
A 45-minute class that meets once a week. Tap helps develop a sense of rhythm and coordination as well as self-expression. Available to students age 6 and up. As general prerequisite, dancers should be able to stay focused for 45 minutes and understand personal space in relationship to others.
Tap I ~ (ages 6 and up) with or without prior experience. Dancers must be able to stand on one foot for several seconds, mastery of basic motor skills (marching, skipping, galloping), able to find the beat of the music.
Tap II ~ (ages 8 and up) with one or more years experience. Dancers must have mastered the basic tap rudiments (toe digs, heel drops, toe drops) on two feet, one feet and at various tempos, efficient changes of weight, good understanding of tap posture, able to balance on the balls of the feet while executing steps with clarity, various shuffles, ball changes, grapevine, flaps/slaps, paradiddles. Able to incorporate arm movement while executing tap steps. Have a basic understanding of music theory: can find the beat of the music, can locate the downbeat, able to count 2 bars of music, can differentiate between slow, moderate and fast tempos.
Tap III/IV~ (ages 10 and up) with two or more years experience. Dancers must have mastered running flaps, Irishes, buffalos, drawbacks, and a greater understanding of music theory in addition to prerequisites from level 2.
Junior Tap ~ (ages 12 and up) intermediate level with 4 or more years experience. Dancers should have mastered all skills listed above as well as a good understanding of time steps, cramp rolls, various shuffles, pull backs, Cincinnatis. Greater understanding of music theory. Should be able to identify and count whole, half, quarter, eighth and sixteenth notes.
Senior Tap ~ (ages 14 and up) advanced level with 6 or more years experience. Dancers should have an extensive knowledge and mastery of all steps mentioned above in addition to various time steps, breaks, wings, pull backs, toe stands, ample calf, shin and ankle strength. Is able to hold a set tempo while executing technical combinations and choreography.
Adult Tap ~ for adults with or without prior experience
A 45-minute class that meets once a week. It is a fast paced class that starts with a full body warm-up including isolations and stretching then continues with the mastering of locomotor skills for coordination. Jazz incorporates current and historical styles of dance. As general prerequisite, dancers should be able to stay focused for 45 minutes and understand personal space in relationship to others.
Jazz I ~ (ages 6 and up) with or without prior experience. Dancers must be able to stand on one foot for several seconds, mastery of basic motor skills (marching, skipping, galloping), able to find the beat of the music.
Jazz II ~ (ages 8 and up) with one-two years experience. Dancers should have mastered the above skills in addition to grapevines, jazz square, pivot turns, kick ball change, lindy (chasse), simple jumps/leaps, basic hinge and flat back position, flexibility is improving with splits being within a couple of inches from the floor. Can hold a plank for several seconds, can hold a strong balance in passe for several seconds, able to apply spotting skills to various turns, has a good understanding of basic body isolations (head, shoulders, rib cage, hips).
Jazz III/IV ~ (ages 10 and up) with three or more years experience. Dancers should have mastered the above skills in addition to jazz pas de bourrees, pirouettes, chaines, grand jetes, battements with proper technique and is able to put sequences and phrases together quickly with an emphasis on spacial awareness,
]Junior Jazz ~ (ages 12 and up) intermediate level with 4 or more years experience. Dancers should have mastered the above skills in addition to efficient floor work, various jumps including tuck jumps, turning pas de chats. Has a good understanding with the different textures of movement, accenting and dynamics.
Senior Jazz ~ (ages 14 and up) advanced level with 6 or more years experience. Dancers should have mastered the above skills with proficiency, have obtained adequate flexibility to execute more advanced steps including fan kicks, various leg holds, leaps, jumps as well as a strong understanding and execution of proper body alignment and the activation of a dancer's "center" or core muscles.
Adult Jazz/Funk-for adults age 18 and up with or without prior experience. A fusion of jazz and hip hop dance.
A 45-minute class that meets once a week for students and 6 and up. This class helps develop grace, poise, rhythm, flexibility, and expression. As general prerequisite, dancers should be able to stay focused for 45 minutes and understand personal space in relationship to others.
Ballet I - (ages 6 and up) with or without prior experience. Dancers must be able to stand on one foot for several seconds, mastery of basic motor skills (marching, skipping, galloping), able to find the beat of the music.
Ballet II - (ages 8 and up) with one or more years experience. Dancers should have mastered the above skills in addition to demonstrating a plie, tendu, releve as well as knowing the 5 feet and arm positions. Should have a good understanding of proper ballet posture and body alignment.
Ballet III/IV - (ages 10 and up) with three or more years experience. Dancers should be able to master all skills listed above as well as balance, soutenu, pas de basque, chasse, various arabesques and body positions. Should have good understanding of barre work, petite allegro, adagio and basic grand allegro.
A 45 minute class that meets once a week. Available for advanced students, ages 12 and older. It is a combination of ballet, jazz and modern dance with emphasis on the lyrical content of the music. Contemporary dance is a collection of methods developed from modern and post-modern dance and can take on many forms including dance fusion, emergent dance and revisionism. Ages 14 and up with instructor permission only. Dancers should have prior ballet experience and a good understanding of the fundamental steps and positions. Steps and concepts that should be mastered prior to beginning class are contraction and release, flatback, hinge, proper lateral placement, pirouettes, pique turns, chaines, floor work with proficiency, proper strength and flexibility to safely execute movement.
A 45 minute class that meets once a week. Available to dancers age 6 years old and up. Students learn isolations, rhythm, and basic technique associated with many hip hop styles. This includes, but is not limited to, popping, locking and break dancing.
Hip Hop 1- ages 6 and up - Dancers will get introduced to the basic movements, techniques and combinations in hip hop dancing. Has an interest in learning a range of street dance styles including but not limited to popping, locking, and breaking. And bringing their own style, personality and interpretation to the movement. Dancers are typically in this class for 2-3 years.
Hip Hop 2-ages 9 and up - with prior hip hop experience. The dancer must be able to incorporate isolations and upper body movement and perform them to the appropriate rhythm and tempo of the music. Must be able to master the following steps/combinations: Stall: minimum of Split Stall, Coffee Grinder, Back-Spin, Slide Step, Top Rock, Chicken Legs, Butterfly, Heel-Toe, C-step, 1-2 step, and Tutting. Performs movements with a willingness to improve upon confidence, style, and personality. Is working on staying grounded, switching their weight, and can isolate the body from head to toe. Gaining overall core, arm, and leg strength. Can memorize movements in a particular order, and willing to try new movements/tricks/stalls/stunts. Shows an interest in the hip hop culture. Dancers are typically in this level for 1-3 years.
Hip Hop 3 - ages 12 and up -with prior hip hop experience including Hip Hop 2. Dancer must be able to execute basic hip hop movements mastered in Int HH II and show an understanding for musicality. Must be able to show dynamic changes in music, footwork, and isolations of the body. Must be able to master the following steps/combinations: Shoulder stall prefer, pop up, head stand stall, tutting, popping, House Dance variations, changes in tempo., shifting weight and moving through space. Has an interest in learning the culture of hip hop, and can execute confidence and style. Is comfortable trying new tricks and willing to step outside of their comfort zone. Attentive in class and looking to advance their hiphop knowledge. Dancers must have 2-4 years experience.
Hip Hop 4-ages 14 and up with prior hip hop experience The dancer must understand the difference between various types of hip hop (Lyrical Hip Hop, popping, freestyle, etc). The dancer can promptly reverse combinations given by the instructor from the right side to the left or vice versa. The dancer can comfortably hold a shoulder or head stall with all technique and safety precautions in mind. Performs movements with accuracy, style, personality, and confidence. Has overall core, arm, and leg strength. Can stay grounded, switch their weight, and can isolate the body from head to toe. Musicality-hears rhythm, polyrhythms, and accents in order to create dynamics in dancing. Is extremely attentive, willing to try new movements/tricks/stalls/stunts and has the skill of memorization. Shows an appreciation for the hip hop culture.This class is reserved for dancers who have had a minimum of 4 years experience and is by instructor permission only.
Adult Jazz/Funk-for adults age 18 and up with or without prior experience. A fusion of jazz and hip hop style dance.
A required class for all Dance Force team members. Focuses primarily on improving dance technique, strength, and flexibility through classical ballet training. This class is open to non team members on a space available basis.
A required class for all Dance Force team members. A 45-60 minute class that focuses on increasing flexibility, strengthening and conditioning the dancer's body as well as fine tuning specific skills including leap and turn techniques. This class is open to non-team members on a space available basis.
AcroDance is the beautiful fusion of the artistic motion of dance and the athleticism of acrobatics. AcroDance is not the same as gymnastics. An AcroDancer must complete all of the skills on the hard stage without the advantage of a sprung floor, while seamlessly integrating musicality, emotional expression, extension, control and line. Skills taught in AcroDance might look the same as gymnastics, but they are taught differently to compensate for the different floor conditions. This is currently a non-performance class and is for technique purposes only.
Level 1-Beginning Acro for dancers age 5 and up. Prerequisites: cartwheel (or close), push up into bridge from floor (or close), willing to be upside down, somersault
Level 2-Intermediate Level for ages 7 and up. Prerequisites: One handed cartwheel, Handstand in center, down to bridge from standing, forward roll standing to standing.
Level 3-Advanced Acro for ages 8 and up with instructor approval. Dancers should be working on their side aerials, flying cartwheel, handstand to bridge, holding handstand in center, front or back walkover, forward dive roll
Theater Dance is a 45-minute class that meets once a week for students ages 10 and up with two or more years of experience. Dancers should have mastered the skills laid out in Jazz III/IV. This class will help dancers develop performance skills, refine their technique, and teach them about the world of Broadway.